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What is it that keeps us going amid all the confusion?

Lately the news has been filled with lots of stories that are barely bordering on the truth, its the way the main stream media get us to believe one thing when in fact the truth is something very different. By using political mumbo jumbo, or spin as they like to call it, they can make a business, political party, person or even an entire country look good or bad.


It's not only newspapers that operate like this, broadcasters are also guilty of spinning stories to reflect their own perspective on a story, the main offender being the BBC who quite often put a spin on a story to make political parties look good or bad depending on the party that they are reporting on. 


Many people are ignorant of the truth behind some of these stories and through my daily offerings I will attempt to bring you the truth that the politicians and main stream media don't want you to know.


We all know that politicians like to use long sentences and fancy words, they tend to say a lot but very rarely give you any relevant information whatsoever. Through this blog, I will try to put into plain and simple language some of the daily rhetoric spouted by our leading politicians and mis-reported by the media....


The Conservatives party is fast losing popularity, especially in Scotland, it's support is falling, it's numbers dwindling and they are losing more followers each day, the truth hurts and the truth is making more people turn away from them...

We all know that the truth is out there; the hardest part is finding it....

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